Author: admin

Update on Guncoin Exchanges

We have a couple of things to report in regards to exchanges for Guncoin.  First, we are sad to report that Nova Exchange will be closing on October 9.   Nova has been a good exchange for Guncoin, but they never accepted USA customers, so they were limited in what they could support.  Please remove your…
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Guncoin Masternodes – GUN Core V2.0.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of GUN Core V2.0.0. This much awaited and talked about release, adds masternodes to the Guncoin network and includes a hard fork to enable payment to those running masternodes. After the hard fork, block rewards will be split 47.5% to the GUN miner, 47.5% to the GUN masternode…
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Guncoin Masternode Project Status Update

OK, we have operational code for GUN Core V2.0 running and are currently integrating the balance of the work with the Guncoin Masternode project. We are primarily using the DASH Masternode model for this. One thing we found was that DASH was integrated with a much older version of bitcoin core than what we have.…
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GUN Core V1.6.0 Released

Guncoin now has Gun Core V1.6.0 available for your wallets. It is a minor release that brings the coin current to Bitcoin Core V1.17.1. With that release, we now start work on Gun Core V2.0 which will incorporate Masternodes into Guncoin – to be released by mid-April.

Guncoin Now on

I am pleased to report that Guncoin is now available to be traded on the Nova Exchange for our International community. They are not accepting USA clients at this time, but the rest of the world can trade GUN there. Once they get a more solid KYC in place, they will start accepting GUN there…
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Guncoin Now on Exchange

Guncoin is now listed on the new exchange Enmanet. It is a small and growing exchange that we like very much. Please use this link – . Additionally, we have two new code releases planned over the next 4-5 weeks. The first will update our core client to be compliant with Bitcoin Core 0.17.1.…
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Guncoin (GUN) Now Trading on

Trading is now active on for Guncoin (GUN). For those buying – coins are already listed for sale. For those selling – it takes 20 confirms to get your coins into the exchange and available. A few trades occurred within minutes of when the first coins were listed. Happy trading – have fun!

GUN Core V1.5.3 Upgrade Released

We are please to announce the release of GUN Core V1.5.3. While this updated we feel is very useful and helpful it is NOT a hard fork – but highly recommended. It makes a slight adjustment in the fee structure and additionally disconnects from older clients which allows for faster network confirmations. Please upgrade at…
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Trading Again at Cryptopia

We are pleased to report that Guncoin (GUN) is trading once again at Cryptopia. The issue has been corrected with or recent V1.5.2 code release and the coins that were lost on their exchange have been replaced. So while we are very happy with this exchange and like working with them, we are looking into…
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Mandatory Upgrade – GUN Core V1.5.2

We are pleased to announce the release of GUN Core V1.5.2. We request that you download the new code from GITHUB and upgrade immediately. This is a mandatory update with a hard fork set for the 14 December – Please upgrade to 1.5.2 before that date. Our Cryptopia exchange lost a lot of coins due…
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